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Does Fasting For Weight Loss Work?

The benefits of fasting have been talked about for centuries.

Experts have differing opinions when it comes to fasting. Some feel its a good practice, while others feel it can be detrimental to your health.

Although there are many types of fasting one method that seems to get rave reviews is intermittent fasting.

The concept of intermittent fasting is to rotate between days of eating and not eating. A popular method of this fast is restricting calories for 24 hours twice a week.

Below are three ways this technique can be effective for weight loss and improving your health.

Lessens Calorie Consumption

Fasting is an ideal replacement for typical dieting because you can enjoy the things you like while still reducing your calorie intake.

Depriving your body of food for periods of time also causes your body to use up its stored fat supply.

No Calorie Counting

One major upside to fasting for weight loss is you do not have to worry about counting calories.

When you are on a fasting program, you do not have to adjust your meal plans because your overall daily calorie count will be lower when you consider the days you are fasting.

Fasting is a healthy way to significantly reduce the number of weekly calories consumed and lose weight without eliminating all the things you enjoy.

Better Health

Weight loss is not the only benefit of fasting.

Fasting has been shown to boost metabolism and increase energy.

For even better weight loss results start an exercise program in conjunction with your fast.

Working out 5 days a week using a combination of aerobics and strength training will improve your weight loss and tone your body.

Eating a diet which includes plenty of fruits and vegetables will provide your body with the fuel it needs to stay energized.

You should also be drinking eight or more glasses of water daily to stay hydrated and keep your digestive system working at peak capacity.

These are only a few of the positive benefits of fasting for weight loss. If you are thinking about using fasting as a way to lose weight, you should check with your physician before beginning to make sure your current health can support fasting as a way of life.